Mastering Subject-Verb Agreement

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Mastering Subject-Verb Agreement in English: A Comprehensive Guide

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of English grammar that governs the relationship between the subject and the verb in a sentence. It ensures that the verb form matches the number and person of the subject, resulting in grammatically correct and coherent sentences. In this guide, we’ll delve into the definition, rules, differences from other languages, tips for mastery, effective study techniques, usage, and numerous examples to help you grasp the intricacies of subject-verb agreement in English.


Subject-verb agreement refers to the grammatical principle that the verb in a sentence must agree in number and person with its subject. This means that singular subjects require singular verbs, while plural subjects require plural verbs.

Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement:

  1. Singular Subjects and Singular Verbs:

Example: “The cat is sleeping.”

  • In this sentence, the singular subject “cat” requires the singular verb “is.”
  1. Plural Subjects and Plural Verbs:

Example: “The cats are sleeping.”

  • Here, the plural subject “cats” necessitates the plural verb “are.”
  1. Compound Subjects:

Example: “Bread and butter are essential breakfast items.”

  • When two or more subjects are joined by “and,” the verb is typically plural.
  1. Indefinite Pronouns:

Example: “Everyone wants to succeed.”

  • Singular indefinite pronouns like “everyone,” “someone,” and “anyone” take singular verbs.
  1. Collective Nouns:

Example: “The team is celebrating its victory.”

  • Collective nouns such as “team,” “family,” and “audience” can take singular or plural verbs depending on the context.
  1. Intervening Phrases:

Example: “The stack of papers is on the desk.”

  • Even if there are intervening phrases between the subject and the verb, the verb still agrees with the subject.
  1. Relative Pronouns:

Example: “The book that I borrowed is on the table.”

  • The relative pronoun “that” does not affect subject-verb agreement.

How Subject-Verb Agreement Differs from Other Languages:

Subject-verb agreement in English differs from many other languages, particularly those with grammatical gender and noun inflections. Languages like Spanish and French often require agreement not only in number but also in gender and sometimes case. In English, however, subject-verb agreement is primarily concerned with number, making it relatively simpler to grasp for speakers of languages without extensive agreement systems.

Tips for Mastering Subject-Verb Agreement:

  1. Practice Regularly: Engage in exercises and writing activities focused on subject-verb agreement to reinforce your understanding.
  2. Pay Attention to Collective Nouns: Be mindful of whether collective nouns are being used as singular or plural entities in context.
  3. Review Indefinite Pronouns: Familiarise yourself with common indefinite pronouns and their corresponding verb forms.
  4. Identify Compound Subjects: Practice identifying compound subjects and selecting the appropriate verb form.
  5. Proofread Carefully: Always proofread your writing to ensure that subjects and verbs agree in number.
  6. Seek Feedback: Ask for feedback from peers or instructors on your subject-verb agreement usage to identify areas for improvement.

How to Study Subject-Verb Agreement:

  1. Use Grammar Resources: Consult grammar books, online tutorials, and reputable websites for explanations and exercises on subject-verb agreement.
  2. Take Online Quizzes: Participate in online quizzes and interactive exercises to test your knowledge and reinforce concepts.
  3. Create Flashcards: Create flashcards with example sentences to practice identifying correct subject-verb agreement forms.
  4. Join Study Groups: Join study groups or language exchange programs to discuss subject-verb agreement rules and practice with others.
  5. Read Widely: Read a variety of texts to encounter subject-verb agreement in context and observe how it is used effectively.

Usage of Subject-Verb Agreement:

Correct subject-verb agreement is essential for clear and effective communication in both spoken and written English. It ensures that sentences are grammatically correct and coherent, enhancing the clarity of your message and facilitating understanding for your audience. Whether you’re writing an academic essay, composing an email, or engaging in conversation, mastery of subject-verb agreement contributes to polished and professional communication.

Examples of Subject-Verb Agreement:

  1. “The dog barks at strangers.”
  2. “She runs five miles every morning.”
  3. “They were happy with the results.”
  4. “Each of the students has a different opinion.”
  5. “The committee meets every Monday.”
  6. “Neither of the options appeals to me.”
  7. “The box of chocolates was a gift.”
  8. “My family travels together every summer.”
  9. “The jury deliberates for hours before reaching a verdict.”
  10. “Many birds migrate south for the winter.”

Subject-verb agreement is indeed crucial to get right in English writing and speaking. Here’s why:

  1. Clarity and Comprehension: Correct subject-verb agreement ensures that sentences are grammatically accurate and coherent. When subjects and verbs agree in number and person, the meaning of the sentence becomes clear, leading to better comprehension for the reader or listener.
  2. Professionalism and Credibility: Using proper subject-verb agreement demonstrates proficiency in English grammar and writing conventions. It enhances the professionalism and credibility of your communication, whether in academic, professional, or personal contexts.
  3. Effective Communication: Inaccurate subject-verb agreement can lead to confusion or misinterpretation of your message. By adhering to the rules of subject-verb agreement, you can communicate your ideas effectively and avoid ambiguity in your writing and speech.
  4. Grammatical Correctness: Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of English grammar. Just as spelling and punctuation errors can detract from the quality of your writing, inconsistencies in subject-verb agreement can signal carelessness or lack of attention to detail.
  5. Language Proficiency: Mastery of subject-verb agreement is often seen as a hallmark of language proficiency. Whether you’re a student, professional, or non-native speaker of English, demonstrating competence in subject-verb agreement enhances your overall language skills and fluency.
  6. Professional Writing Standards: In academic and professional settings, adhering to proper subject-verb agreement is expected as part of standard writing conventions. Errors in subject-verb agreement may detract from the quality of your work and impact how it is perceived by others.

Here are 20 additional examples of subject-verb agreement sentences:


  1. The flowers in the garden bloom beautifully in the spring.
  2. Every student in the class receives a certificate of achievement.
  3. His collection of vintage cars is impressive.
  4. The company’s profits have increased significantly this year.
  5. None of the guests has arrived yet.
  6. The choir sings hymns at the church every Sunday.
  7. Both the cat and the dog enjoy playing in the backyard.
  8. The new employee brings fresh ideas to the team.
  9. My favorite book series consists of seven novels.
  10. Each of the houses on the street has its own unique design.
  11. The committee meets monthly to discuss important matters.
  12. Neither the coffee nor the tea is hot enough.
  13. The flock of birds flies south for the winter.
  14. The data from the survey reveal interesting trends.
  15. Our team of volunteers works tirelessly to help the community.
  16. The box of chocolates makes a lovely gift.
  17. Everyone in the group shares responsibility for the project.
  18. Ten dollars is the price for admission to the museum.
  19. The sound of waves crashing against the shore is soothing.
  20. Each of the paintings in the gallery captures a different moment in history.

Question Sheet:

Identify whether the following sentences demonstrate correct subject-verb agreement. If the agreement is incorrect, rewrite the sentence to make it grammatically accurate.
a) The team of scientists is working on a groundbreaking research project.

  1. b) Her collection of rare stamps have been passed down through generations.
  2. c) None of the players are happy with the referee’s decision.
  3. d) Both the cat and the dog enjoys playing in the garden.
  1. e) The news about the accident is devastating.

Choose the correct verb form to complete each sentence:
a) Each of the students (was/were) given a textbook.

  1. b) The committee (has/have) reached a decision.
  2. c) Neither of the options (is/are) suitable for me.
  3. d) Every flower in the garden (blooms/bloom) in the spring.
  1. e) The jury (deliberates/deliberate) for hours before reaching a verdict.

Rewrite the following sentences to correct any errors in subject-verb agreement:
a) The stack of books on the shelf are organised alphabetically.

  1. b) Her collection of antique dolls is worth a lot of money.
  2. c) Everyone in the audience were clapping enthusiastically.
  3. d) Both the cat and the dog likes to chase squirrels.
  1. e) The data from the study reveal interesting insights into consumer behavior.
  2. Write three original sentences demonstrating correct subject-verb agreement.

In conclusion, mastering subject-verb agreement is essential for clear and effective communication in English. الفرسکو انگلیسی can help you in understanding the rules, practising regularly, and paying attention to usage. Then you can confidently navigate subject-verb agreement and produce grammatically correct sentences that convey your message with clarity and precision. Check out our upcoming short holidays to improve your English level.